Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wow- Time Really Flies!

So here we are...We have a real doctor in the house! After almost 4 years of studying, class, internships, shadowing, exams, and National Boards...Dr. Dohrmann is the real deal! We are so proud of him and can't wait to share with you his knowledge about the human body and how it really works.
The first few picture is of the night before graduation and then the actual graduation itself. We also threw a graduation party which was a great time. Tons of people came to congratulate him! We even had people come into town from Iowa and Florida!!! Thanks to all of you for your support and love!

Plus, we've included a little video clip of Dr. Ben actually walking across the stage. (It's above this blog entry). Congratulations, Ben- We're ALL so proud of you and your accomplishment. We wish the best and the most success possible!

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