Sunday, November 16, 2008

Busy Dr. Ben

Doctor D has been in a whirl-wind lately...which means the rest of his family has too!
He had his 3rd round of Board Reviews for SEVEN days straight, until 9:30 every night about a month ago. He then flew straight to Florida for a business (as well as personal) trip to a chiropractor's seminar and then to shadow/visit a very good friend of his. He was there for almost a week. The Lampe Family welcomed him with open arms, as they always do! Since he's been back, he has been working under a chiropractor in Overland Park, finishing up his business plan, contacting banks, studying for his final round of boards, working on floor plans, and honing in on the practice itself. He was also finishing up with his patients at the clinic and checking out at school with the clinicians. However- the studying part has come to a close. Today he got back from a 4 day trip to Dallas, which is where he took his 4th and FINAL Round of Boards!! No more classes, no more textbooks, no more tests! December 26th will be when he gets his results! :)

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