Thursday, February 5, 2009

Quick Update

We've had lots going on with the new office! Besides the build out process, we also found what we think is a fantastic fit for our staff. Her name is Kenna and she'll serve as our Chiropractic Assistant! We were so excited to hire someone with so much experience, the friendliest smile you've ever seen, and a caring, kind heart. We can just tell- we can't wait for you to meet her!

The sheet rock is completely put up, the inspector has come, the electricity is done, and the lights are set! We've picked out the carpet, trim, base boards, desk laminate, and paint colors. Ben has applied with insurance companies, has a computer program ready to set up, real life business cards, a logo, and a website (that will be up and running asap)! We'll actually take appointments if you'd like to make one!!

We're hoping to open up March 9, 2009 and possibly having a Grand Opening Open House on the 12th. We'd love for you to join us- come see our new place! We're so proud.

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